Speak Life Motivational Call!
It's Time to speak Life Into yourself and Your situations and Silence the Negativity & Distractions!
Service Description
You will learn to love both small and big wins. You will learn to embrace failures without spiraling into self-defeating thoughts that derail your momentum. You will learn to have setbacks or down days without making them NOT mean anything negative about you or the progress you’ve made. You will learn to feel your feelings, and to sit with painful or uncomfortable emotions instead of putting up walls and retreating back into your comfort zone. You will learn to notice when you’re in victim mentality and how to shift your mind back to things within your control. You will learn that all thoughts are completely optional, and that you get to choose the thoughts you want to think because the power is in your Tongue! You will learn once and for all why constant self-criticism, self-judgment, self-labeling, and shaming serve absolutely no purpose, and that continuing to do so will only keep you from the things you truly desire in life. It's time to take authority over your life and not be your own worst enemy!
Cancellation Policy
It is wonderful that God's daughters will be all connected! As you do register and book, please understand that your camera will always have to be on. For this reason, I do need to discern and make sure, you are here for the right reasons! If you are not able to attend some days that is okay but if it's a month straight as this is a small group that I am putting together for now. I want you to know that it is a waiting list, and your spot will be fulfilled with someone who is serious about their relationship with Christ as we draw closer to God and aligning with His Word as he searches our hearts!